August 2014 – A Month Of Photos From The Red Double Wide

Where did August go?!?!  We start school in a couple of days!  I have to admit I’m pretty excited, I think the girls are too but they won’t admit it. 😉

Hope you enjoy a few photos from the past month.

Jo bday cake

Jo turned 10 in August, she loves to decorate her own cake.



The blackberries from the farmers market were deeeeelicious!


We enjoyed more hot weather and Mr. Busy spent a lot of time in the water.

Bantie egg

All three of the bantam hens started laying eggs……so little and cute!

Showing Chickens

The fair was tons of fun!  I’m so proud of my girls they did a great job with their chickens and everything else they entered at the fair!!

At the fair

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All blues and 3 reserve champions. 🙂

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The fruit stands around here are full of wonderful stuff!  The only draw back to all the fresh fruit are the fruit flies that come with it. 🙁

Thanks for stopping by the Red Double Wide!!


July 2014 – A Month Of Photos From The Red Double Wide

July was full of nice weather, many trips to the pool, and a more relaxed schedule than the past few months.  On the 7th I officially became a mother-in-law and a grandma!!  I couldn’t feel more blessed.  🙂  I’m so glad Jade and his family live close and we get to see them almost everyday!  Dusty turned 18 on the 29th….wow that went FAST!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy my photos from July.


Mr. Busy playing in the water and laughing at his Aunties!

Mr. Busy playing in the water


A pair of swallows built a nest above my kitchen window.  I wasn’t thrilled at first considering the mess, but it was so fun to watch them grow.  Four babies quickly grew up in this tiny nest with mom and dad swooping in and out all day long to feed them, (that’s either mom or dad on the far left).

bird nest

Like all babies they grew up too fast, and now are flying around catching bugs.  Now I need to wash the bird poop of the side of my house and kitchen window.  Oh joy!

Hungry Babies

Two rattle snakes in one week is enough for me!

Rattle Snake

The bird whisperer! Hahahahaha

Chicken Whisperer

Mary’s sweet little bantam.


Bacon and ham!

Bacon and Ham

Jo was supposed to be practicing for the fair with her little black hen.  It didn’t take long for her other 2 favorite, spoiled pets (Stinky and Boots) to realize they wanted to be on the table so they could get some attention too!

Jo and her pets

Hope you all have a great August!


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