How I Became Queen!

How I Became Queen!….(of a double wide)

I’ll start at the beginning.

I grew up on a little farm in the middle of nowhere. My dad is a farmer and my mom a farmers daughter.  I couldn’t have requested more wonderful parents.  Honest, hardworking, God fearing, loving people who try hard to teach their children to be the same.  I have several siblings of whom were all adopted or foster or are just plain part of our family because mom said so…and NO one argues with mom!

I had the privilege of marrying my best friend (Digger) and his two boys (Jade and Dusty) in May of 2001.  They moved into an old farm house with me, that we later bought along with 20 acres.  In 2003 along came Mary (aka little chef) and in 2004 her sister Josephine (aka Jo) arrived.

By 2006 I was getting a little frustrated with our “OLD” farm house.  By “OLD” I mean, no insulation, no foundation, wood heat only, six people using one bathroom, and those were just the minor discomforts.  Snakes in the bathroom, mice on my night stand, a rat in the attic, and termites eating the walls were some of the things that really made me crazy!!!  We discussed all the options for months. (Many, MANY months!!) Should we remodel, build a new house, or bring in a double wide? I finally told my husband that we ARE rednecks, let’s live like it; and in April of 2007 I became “Queen Of The Red Double Wide!”  I know not many people would be proud to say they live in a double wide but compared to our old, breezy, farm house, our double wide feels like a mansion!!  Even after 8 years I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t thank God for my well insulated, rodent and reptile free, dwelling. :0)

DSCN3013 (640x450)-1Thanks for visiting, and God bless!

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36 thoughts on “How I Became Queen!

  1. This is such a good reminder for us all! We need to embrace the person God made us to be, rejoice in what He is doing in and through us and be thankful for His mercy, love and provision! I would love to meet you and “hug your neck”, as we say here in the South!

  2. Just found your blog and this is a great story…..sounds like you have a great family , and this is a cute story…..I hate mice & even hate snakes worse… I know you are proud of your double wide…..I would be too…..great blog and so glad I found it… have some good recipes on here that I definitely will try..

  3. I found your website tonight as I was browsing through another site. Wow, I LOVE your website and will be returning on a regular basis. Like you, I don’t like to use refined sugar and all the recipes I have looked at are ones that I want to make–thank you and God bless you and your family!

  4. Hey there, Just happened upon your website. I really like it. Nothing wrong with living in a doublewide. I do too…. 🙂
    Our place is in Texas and we have 3 little heavenly acres. We love it. I’m just getting started with some chickens and goats. Have a lot to learn on a shoestring budget but hey, I’m up for the adventure. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog….

    1. Thanks Cheri! So glad you found us. Good luck with your little farm. I have to say for us the shoestring budget is the hardest part! But, it builds character and makes you get creative! 😀

  5. I just googled “any ideas on dressing up a double wide” and I found you. I have only read “How I became….” so far but I am really looking forward to this site. Thank you

  6. Hello Grace, I found your site by googling diy seasoning salt. I then decided to find out how you became queen. I plan to return to your site from time to time. I will be pinning your seasoning salt recipe. Is there is an alternative to smoked paprika? I plan to use all organic spices and haven’t seen organic smoked paprika. Thanks, Cari

    1. Hi Cari, So glad you dropped by. Regular paprika would work just fine too, the smoked paprika just gives is a hint of smokey flavor. I got my smoked paprika at Mountain Rose they have great organic herbs and spices! Have a great day, Grace

  7. I just found your website. I too am proud of my double wide.I love your site already and havent seen all of it . 🙂 I hope yall have a Merry Christmas.

  8. Country life is the best! I too have just found your blog…so I need to read on, but just wanted to tell you that you probably saved you and you family many months of frustration. A double wide was a good choice. Bugs and critters get into a new house also…it is an almost daily sweep, trap, or pick up of what has made it in. Just part of living in the country. It is a blessing.

  9. Just found your blog. Love it. I was looking for ingredients to make my own seasoning salt and found you. I live in Arkansas, the soil is a black clay we lovingly call “gumbo”. It is very sticky when wet and hard as concrete when dry. There is no middle ground.

  10. I found your site while browsing for homemade sausage recipes.I have enjoyed every minute that I have spent on it. AND.. I recommended your page on FB….I am very excited to try a lot of your recipes. But, I can’t find the ranch dressing, did I miss it?

    1. Thank you so much Karen! The ranch dressing is in the list of most popular posts on the right side of the screen. The post title is actually “Homemade Ranch Seasoning Packets”.

  11. Hi there! We just picked up our Cornish Cross chickens today for my daughters’ 4-H projects. While we did raise these birds last year for personal use, this is our first time doing it for 4-H. I thought I would do a little research about others’ experiences and came across your blog. I just love it! Thank you for all the effort and humor you put into it! I will definitely be back to read some more!

    1. Thanks so much Heather! I hope you have a better fair experience with your Cornish Cross than we did. Despite the troubles we had we are giving it a try again this year. 🙂 No matter what they taste gooooood!

  12. Fun loving story qotrdw its five thirty gotta do my exercises and then my daily devotion God bless you and your loving family.

  13. Loved your story and they joy and freedom you’ve allowed yourself and your family by being true to yourselves.
    If you would like to protect your doublewide from rodents and other creepy things, look up peppermint oil, cypress oil, cinnamon oil. They turned out to be amazing rodent and bug repellents. Nontoxic to humans, great smelling, environmentally friendly, and not expensive compared to other pest control options. I was thrilled!

  14. I absolutely love your story! and your willingness to broadcast your love for the Lord is a breathe of fresh air. God’s best to you and your family, sister. BTW, thanks for the egg-peeling advice.

  15. Hilarious. We also live in a trailer. I refer to it as the love boat. As long standing farm folks I feel no need to keep up with the Jones’, just keep my head dry, my feet warm and my soul clean. We figure we’re always outside working so we don’t need anymore space than we have. This old girl has been remodeled a dozen times. I own her. She keeps the love in. Stuff that in your city mansions. :). Great blog!

  16. I found your website when I was looking for a good breakfast sausage recipe. I made yours and it was delicious! I will be back regularly checking out your recipes. I have food allergies (gluten and dairy) which requires making most of my food from scratch. Love what you do!!

    P.S. I don’t live in a double wide, but I would have no problem with it. Americans take for granted how blessed we are, particularly in the housing department! I love that you are thankful for where God put you and you are blooming where He’s planted you. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

  17. Oh lord, I know those farm houses. We lived in rural (very, very country) Va in one of those houses when I was young. Dad moved us back to his home town in another state, but kept that land and put a single wide on it. I loved that place, it was so peaceful and quiet (except when the neighbors bull would jump the fence. I worked midnights and he scared me to death halloween night when I went out to go to work.).
    My husband ad I moved back there for about 15 years. We had to move back home due to family issues (Queen of my own single wide now). But, there was a little hot dog stand in town there called “Dip Dog” that had the best onion rings and I’m hoping your beer batter onion rings taste like them.
    I’m glad I found you, I’ll be back to see what else you have.

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