Here are a few photos of what we’ve been up to. The week started off with much cooler temps (finally!) and it even rained just enough to make sweet smells and a little rainbow!
The temps quickly climbed back up into the 80’s
What better to do on a hot day than take a cool bath……he LOVES his baths.
I’m so excited about all the baby watermelon in my garden!
We got a big box of fresh peaches from a local orchard. We made peach cobbler, froze some, and ate the rest. Oh so good!
How gross is this! Unfortunately I’ve seen way more wasps this year than honey bees.
The meat chickens are now big enough to let free range for a few hours everyday.
We finally cut down the dead birch tree in our lawn….ok, not WE. Digger cut it down and the girls hauled off the pieces. I took pictures and supervised.
This is Grandpa Clyde, and HIS favorite thing is mowing lawns. He still comes out every Saturday (at the age of 96!) to help us with ours.
Mary left today for church camp so we should have a pretty quiet week around here! Hope you’re all enjoying your summer.