We had a pretty quiet week and very pleasant weather. Mary had a WODERFUL time at church camp and didn’t want to come home. I missed her and am glad she’s back!
Jo had to amuse herself while her sister was gone, so with her dads help she took apart my old banana seat bike that I rode and rode and rode as a kid. She sanded it and is planning on painting it yellow. She’s calling it the Minion bike.
We got lots of wonderful tasting apricots (thanks Tom and Cathy) and I spent quite a bit of time drying and freezing them before they went bad. yum!
The meat chickens are now being let out everyday, they are hilarious to watch waddle around.
We had a porcupine visit the tree in the front yard.
We also had a rattle snake on the road in front of our house and a blue racer in the garden. YUCK! Those were the unwanted guests, but we ended up the week with some wanted guests and had a bbq with the families from our bible study group!
I’m now getting green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, peas, and parsley out of my garden. I’m oh so happy with my garden this year!!
Have a blessed week!

I just love your posts on sharing what your thankful for each week. Sounds like you had a amazing & forfilling week!
Thanks so much.
Love your site!!!!!
Thank you!!