Goodbye February….Hello March! If you saw January’s photos you know we have had some crazy weather, and February was no exception. It did finally snow, then melted extremely fast. It was nice to have that long awaited white stuff around for a couple days, but now I feel that winter is complete and it can go….away….any minute!
We got about a foot of snow, so school was cancelled that day and it was nice to stay home.
The chickens were not happy about it and only one brave lady ventured out of the coop that day.
The human girls enjoyed the snow much more than the chicken girls. 🙂
Temperatures dipped down into the single digits several times.
Jo came back from the coop and said, “look mom, every chicken laid an egg today!….But, 5 of them froze and cracked”. I was disappointed, the dogs and cats were not. 🙂
I got a shiny new washer and dryer a couple weeks ago.
It was one of those things we have been putting off for a LONG time. Who wants to spend money on a washer and dryer when there are sooo many other “fun” things to spend money on. Like a new, bigger chicken coop. 🙂 It got to the point that we couldn’t ignore the horrible sounds coming from our old washer and dryer. I was really bummed about it at first, then I realized how fortunate we are that God had provided for us financially and we were able to purchase these very necessary items! Now that I have them home and have used them, I have to confess,… I REALLY like them.
Just a couple days ago God provided AGAIN. This time it wasn’t a necessity, but it was something I’ve been wanting and dreaming about for some time now. Please don’t laugh…..
IT’S MY NEW CHICKEN COOP!!!!! Yes, it’s a big empty box off the back of a truck… Digger needed this thing off the truck it came on so he can turn it into a mini log truck. All it needs is a chicken door, a people door, a window, and a paint job! I’m so excited! I’ll keep posting updates on my redneck chicken coop. 😉
Thanks for stopping by the red double wide!

Aww Grace that is an awesome chicken coop! So big…the girls will love it!
So wonderful when you ask and you are blessed with something you want not just need. Who knows maybe He has another idea in mind…more chickens?
I hope many many more chickens are in my future! Thanks for stopping by Mary!
I always enjoy your pictures and am looking forward to seeing the progress on the new coop!
Thanks Jody! Glad you stopped by. 🙂
That is going to make an AWESOME coop – can’t wait to see photos and hear how it goes.
Thanks Gretchen! So glad you stopped by. 🙂
Lol! I love the redneck chicken coop to be 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you again today 🙂