I know the weather was crazy in some places during February but here we mostly enjoyed breezy sunshine and temps in the 50’s during the day. It got me dreaming about gardens and baby animals. Hope you are getting to enjoy some sunshine too wherever you are, even if there is snow on the ground!
Here are some photos of our February.
The ladies started laying a few eggs again.
This is his “I really want to chase that chicken” look.
This is the view I enjoy when I go for a walk.
The dogs obviously found something way more interesting to do than walk with me.
Oh look, the red double wide…..fancy that!
This is my favorite chicken, so sweet!
The official pooper scoopers! As you can see one is scooping poop and the other is pretending that she was not just singing into the end of a long stick. HAHA gottcha!
Jo and Digger repurposed this old cabinet into a “cat house”. Now the dogs can’t eat the cat food. It’s kinda funny to watch them try though!!
In the classroom, we celebrated Valentines Day and studied Polar Bears.
I wish I had his worries!!
Have a wonderful March everyone!!
This post was shared at: The HomeAcre Hop –

What lovely pictures!!