Holy roasted marshmallows….It’s HOT outside!!
Our temps for the past few weeks have been right around 100 and we don’t see an end in sight. Down south this might be very normal, but for us Washingtonians this is way out of the norm for June. Harvest is coming about a month early and the fear of fires is VERY great. I’m SOOOO glad we have central air and the house is nice and cool. 🙂
About half of my garden is loving this heat and the other half has been eaten by bugs or simply isn’t growing because of the heat. But, I’m enjoying what is growing and loving the time off from school!
Here’s a few pics of my garden and some other things we’ve got going on around here.
My tomatoes are doing GREAT!
We got 16 ranger broilers (meat chickens) for the girls 4-H project.
Corn and sunflowers.
Bug eaten squash plant.
Most of the bug damage is from earwigs. I made earwig traps and some natural bug spray, and I think I’ve slowed them down a bit but they are still destroying lots of baby plants. 🙁
First baby tomato!
We’ve been eating lots of raspberries. 🙂
The chicks grew a bunch during June.
This is what happens when 3 ladies are stuck in the house cause its to hot out and school is out for the summer. 😉
Happy Fourth Of July!! Try to stay cool everyone.

I feel for you with the hot weather. We had three weeks of it here in S.C. and it is not typical to have such high temps this time of year. Usually August is our dreaded month with weeks of hot humid weather!
It has tormented my tomato plants leaving them wilted and begging for water which I have been faithful to carry out to them so that they revive. We were also not getting the rain we so dearly needed so it was necessary to water more often!! Ah my poor water bill!
Thankfully, it has begun to rain and the temperatures have dropped to a more normal range of a high of 88 degrees. Sadlyit has done nothing to keep the Japanese Beetles away and I find them munching on just about everything. I am going to buy some traps asap.
I hope you all get a break in weather soon and have more seasonably comfortable temperatures. Your farm looks like it is doing well in spite of the hot as hades temps. God bless you All!