February just flew by! Here’s a few pics of our month then I’ll explain why I haven’t been posting much and what I’ve been working on instead!
Jess built the bantam hens some nesting boxes to try to entice them to lay in their little coop instead of hiding them in the barn. So far two out of three have decided they like the new boxes. 🙂
Look who found the eggs that were hiding in the barn!
The hens have been laying like crazy! French toast has become a favorite way to use those eggs.
Been experimenting and trying to come up with the perfect biscuit recipe……
Is anybody else just done, done, done with mud, mud, mud?….
Sooooo…..what have we been up to lately? Jess and I decided to start another blog. I’ve been working on getting it up and going and am now ready to invite y’all to come on over and take a look! Instead of being MY blog it is now OUR blog and we will be sharing more of a variety of things, but all centered around our journey to a more sustainable, frugal and intentional lifestyle.
I will be committing a lot more time to this blog and posting at least twice a week. Real food recipes, raising chickens (and soon ducks), homeschooling, chemical free cleaning, gardening, woodworking and repurposing old furniture are all on the list to share. Eventually “Queen Of The Red Double Wide” will go away, but not until we get lots of the information transferred to the new blog. Another thing that will go away is my the Facebook page. I have to admit that I’m not a fan of Facebook and did not do a good job of posting on my page! You can, however follow my Instagram account (I post there daily), my Pinterest account and you can sign up for the weekly newsletter on our new blog. We chose to do a weekly newsletter instead of sending out an email every time we publish a post. This way you will receive one email that will have links to all the posts from that week plus a little note from us letting you know what’s going on around here and probably a few pictures from our week. Our whole goal is to post useful information that will encourage and motivate you to “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”!(Theodore Roosevelt) So hop over to Sufficient Acres.com and say Hi! I’m so excited about this and am looking forward to this new adventure!

Congratulations Grace and Jess on this beautiful new site. It looks stunning! and it will be hugely popular I’m sure.
I hope it will continue to feature pictures of the girls as they mature and will feature some of their projects as well.
Again. This is really a classy looking blog. Well done both of you.