Wow, November is over……Christmas here we come!! Lots happened in November, as I look back through the month of pictures it seems like these things happened 6 months ago not 3 weeks ago!! Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. 🙂
We started off the month with a trip to the Oregon Coast.
The aquarium was tons of fun!
I finally finished harvesting the rest of the dried beans. I only got 4 pounds this year so I think I need to plant more than 3/4 of a row of drying beans next year.
I shared a photo Jo took last month of the barn owl and this month she got an even better shot of him (or her?)! Anyway, he (or she) has been hanging around a lot so we decided to name him (or her) Ollie…..can Ollie be a boy or a girl name???

Still waiting for these ladies to start laying eggs. We are down to one month!!
Earlier in the month we had frosty mornings and….
rainy afternoons with lots and lots of rainbows!
Our neighbors horses kept escaping from their pen and headed strait for our green lawn every time. The girls had a blast petting them while they grazed.
A couple days after the horses came visiting I woke up to this guy in our garden. For some reason the girls didn’t go pet him. 😉
The last week or so the weather has been cold, cold, cold!
And frosty, frosty, frosty…..
Hope you all had a grand Thanksgiving and are looking forward to Christmas. The girls got the tree up and decorated over the weekend. I LOVE that they are old enough to do this (by themselves) and still young enough to want to!! 😀

Thank you for allowing me into your world so that I can live vicariously in the country, as opposed to the suburbs outside our nation’s capital, in very busy and political Northern Virginia. I love, love, just LOVE the photos! Happy Advent!
Pilar, I’m so glad you enjoy our photos!! Thanks so much for the kind comment. 🙂
I loved your post. The story of the girls with the horses and then their reaction to the bull was so funny. It helped start my day off with a laugh. He could have been friendly. We had a bull that we bottle fed and he was a big pet.
I had several bottle fed calves as a kid too! None of them were bulls though….at least not for very long. 😉 I went out and got him out of my garden, he was defiantly not friendly but he sure wasn’t mean either. He just wanted to be left alone. We called a neighbor and they took him back where he belonged. Thanks for the nice comment Amanda!