For our family it doesn’t get much better then Bacon Fried Rice!
Frugal, simple, yummy, uses lots of our fresh eggs, and how can you go wrong with BACON?
You will need 4 cups of cooked rice. It doesn’t matter what kind, I prefer brown organic rice (it’s much healthier than white), but I ran out and needed to use up this white rice so that’s what you will see pictures of. I put 2 cups of rice and 3 cups of water in my rice cooker and it was perfect about 20 minutes later. Cook your rice how ever you prefer.
While the rice is cooking, chop up LOTS of bacon.
This was 3 cups of uncooked bacon pieces. After it was cooked and drained it was 2 cups of bacon bits. I buy the big packages of ends and pieces (they are cheaper than sliced) and freeze them until I need them.
I only use 1 pan for this recipe, so you will need a big one. While the bacon is filling your house with that heavenly aroma, chop a large onion and green pepper.
You will also need six eggs, scrambled.
Yes, that’s a gargantuan bowl of eggs shells. 🙂 We save all our egg shells and grind them up for the compost pile and to feed back to our chickens for calcium. If you would like to recycle your eggs shells, here is a link to a post about 30+ things to do with egg shells on the Prairie Homestead Blog.
When the bacon is done(crispy) place it on a plate with a paper towel to drain, and pour some of the lovely bacon grease into a small glass bowl or coffee cup. Leave some of it in the pan to saute the onion and green pepper in.
Then look outside and see that it’s dark….and realize that you didn’t close the chicken coop doors yet. Then turn off the burner so you can run outside to do that. Grab a flash light, slip on your sexy clogs…. then remember that you are going outside for a couple minutes and leaving warm bacon bits on the counter with serious bacon snatchers in the house….slip off the sexy (chicken poopy) clogs and head back to the kitchen and hide the bacon bits in the cupboard. Slip sexy clogs BACK on, run out to the chicken coop, count 17 chickens, chase a cat out of the coop, close the doors, and run back to the house.
Warm the pan back up to medium heat (or just leave the pan on if you don’t have chicken issues) and saute the onion and green pepper, in the bacon grease until transparent. If they start to stick to the pan add more bacon grease.
Add the cooked rice to the pan. Stir the rice and veggies together and add a few more tablespoons of bacon grease (still on medium heat).
Pour the scrambled eggs over the rice mixture. Keep stirring while its cooking, when the eggs are almost set…pull the bacon out of its hiding place in the cupboard and add to the pan, stir in while the eggs finish cooking. When the eggs are completely done pull the pan off the burner, add salt and pepper to taste.
Four of us ate this for dinner last night with plenty of leftovers. Well I thought there was leftovers?? When I went to put them in the fridge I couldn’t find them…after making a few circles around the kitchen, I looked in the living room and this is what I saw:
Digger watching “Fringe” and eating leftover Fried Rice like popcorn. 😆

Yum! Thanks for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop! Here’s the link for the next hop 🙂
I tried cooking bacon in the oven and I had to turn bacon over… you did not eh? Did you use regular bacon or thick bacon ?
I like the regular…..a friend of my daughter said to cook it in the oven at 400 for 10-15 mins. but it took longer and I had bacon swimming in a ton of grease…..looks like it would be better to put bacon on a rack and put the rack in the baking sheet, that way the grease just drops off the bacon into the pan !!!! that is my next try…..
I have always hated frying bacon on top of the stove…makes a mess with the grease poppin all over the stove…..but wonder if this messes up your oven ? I never noticed, but I have only done it once…..just sayin :)…..
Your bacon fried rice looks so good….I will be making this….I love chicken fried rice, so I know I will like this…..everything is better with bacon 🙂
I use regular bacon and no I have never flipped it over but I usually leave it in for longer than 20 minutes….I like crispy. 🙂 I have thought about using a rack but have not tried it yet, I guess I didn’t want to wash it. 🙂 Hope you enjoy the bacon fried rice we have it about once a week….yum yum!
How much of your homemade pumpkin spice do you use in each pie?
I enjoy your your website.
Thanks Arlene, I put 2 teaspoons in for a 9inch pie.
I grew up with my dad making us this, minus the eggs… yum!