I know we’re supposed to love our neighbor and all, but what if your closest neighbor is an emu?
A big emu….
A big emu with a fluffy butt….
A big emu with a fluffy butt that paces the fence across the road….
A big emu with a fluffy butt that paces and makes a loud thump, thump, thump noise…..
A big emu with a fluffy butt that paces and thumps and watches us with creepy eyes.
Are we supposed to love our creepy, thumping, pacing, fluffy butted neighbors too?
She or he (at the risk of highly offending our feathered neighbor I’ll just call her a her on this post) does have some good qualities too. She is actually rather entertaining and I’m kinda partial to fluffy butts. The creepy eye thing, well I just try not to make eye contact so it doesn’t bug me so much. Our feathered neighbor is a bit curious too. She came over for a visit the other day to see what the guys where doing in the shop. It was a particularly nice spring day so Digger opened up the big shop doors to let in some sunshine and fresh air. He was welding away when he saw some movement out of the corner of his eye. He flipped up his welding helmet and there was our nosy neighbor just staring at him. It was a short visit, she didn’t want to chat or have a beer, she just turned around when Digger saw her and headed home. Being the nice neighbors that we are Digger and Jade followed her half a mile down the road to make sure she made it home safely.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27
I’m still not sure if this includes the feathered kind, but as long as she doesn’t come peeking in my kitchen door, I can love her……from a distance. 😉

This is so funny! It looks like she’s giving the camera the evil eye.
Thanks Caitlin! She has mastered the evil eye…:)
Interesting neighbors!
I don’t think I have ever seen an emu up close.
Thanks for sharing your post at the HomeAcre Hop!