Wow…October just flew by!! The weather cooled off quite a bit throughout October but we still had MANY nice days that were greatly enjoyed and appreciated!

Wow…October just flew by!! The weather cooled off quite a bit throughout October but we still had MANY nice days that were greatly enjoyed and appreciated!
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Great pictures! I love the girls with their pumpkins and the view from your living room is awesome! 🙂
Thanks so much Candy!
Hi! I seem to end up on your site a lot, I really like it! These pictures are beautiful! I certainly understand if you don’t wish to say what area you live in, but if you don’t mind sharing, I would love to know, that mountain view is incredible!
Hi Jody! Thank you for the nice comment. We live in eastern Washington, and that is beautiful Mt. Adams. We NEVER get tired of our view. 🙂
These are beautiful photos! I always love to see and share homestead photos 🙂 Gorgeous :)- especially love the one of the cats bathing. We cannot have cats since my husband and our two boys are allergic- but maybe someday I will convince him to let me get a barn cat!
Thanks so much for sharing,
Yellow Birch Hobby Farm
Hi Erin, My daughter and I are also allergic to cats so all of ours are out doors!(Mostly barn cats) But we still enjoy them very much from a distance. My youngest daughter spoils them. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Beautiful pics of my favorite things: chickens, cats, and autumn beauty. Thanks for sharing on Backyard Farming Connection hop.
Thanks Janet!
Awesome photos, Grace! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Harvest Hop! I hope to see you back to share more fun posts today!
Thanks Lisa!
Oooooh, that picture of your Autumn kitty is fabulous! Aren’t they such works of art?
Thank you! YES they are. 🙂