What is the purpose of this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to share what I learn and create as I stumble along in pursuit of my many interests. You will find things like recipes, pictures from around our homestead, homemade cleaners, chicken stories, resources for teachers and homeschoolers, gardening tips, hopefully some encouragement, and much more! God has blessed me soooo much and I pray that I can share some of those blessing with you through this blog.
There is a list of categories on the right hand side of this page if you are looking for something specific.
Thanks so much for dropping by The Red Double Wide!
Just found your blog through another one. You’re doing what I would like to do – simplify, eat better, be more self-sustaining. I’m not on a farm, or even a a good-sized piece of land, though. We’re in FL, where the soil is sandy and bugs get to everything we try to grow. It’s frustrating, but we keep working at it! I’m a new follower.
Hi Mare! Thanks for following along on our journey! One step at at time.
I’m glad I found you. I just made the seasoned salt. I LOVE bacon too and am gonna try the oven method of cooking it. Thank you.
Oh, I’m so glad you found us too Betsy!! Hope you enjoy the seasoning salt! Thanks for the nice comment.
Hi , I love your blog ! How can I subscribe to it ?
Hi Pamela, Go to the home page and on the right side there is a box that says to type in your email address to receive updates be email. Just type in your email address and click on subscribe.
Thanks, Have a wonderful Sunday!!
Love your blog! I’m living in Asia right now (originally from KY) and am relearning how to cook because everything is from scratch over here. I’ve finally adjusted to that fact and am now embracing it as so much better for me and my family anyhow. I just used your recipes for breakfast and Italian sausage and am so excited about how easy and tasty! Your blog has become one of my favs! Thanks!
Thank you Tiffany! That’s a big adjustment to make! My hat is off to you for embracing the changes and doing it with a positive attitude! I’m so glad you found my blog and thank you for the nice comment! Best of luck with your new healthier food adventures.
I just discovered your website/blog (while I was searching for how to peel fresh eggs) and I’m really enjoying reading your past blogs and posts. I can’t seem to find where you live and I’m wondering because of the type of garden goodies you are growing seems similar to our climate (Wyoming). Thanks for letting me know and I look forward to reading your future posts.
Hi Beth! We live in eastern Washington close to the Columbia River. I would imagine a bit milder climate than in Wyoming. Thanks for the comment, so glad you found my blog.
I just discovered your website and boy am I glad I did (I was looking for a homemade sausage recipe). It is so great to see that there are others interested in living a godly holistic lifestyle.
My husband, 5 kids, 2 cats and 6 chickens live on 5 acres in Kentucky. I run my own website, try to live off the land and most of all love teaching, hugging and loving on my kiddos.
Thank you for all of your helpful hints, recipes and refreshing insights. Keep up the good work!
Hi. Your “follow me on pinterest” link took me to the main area of pinterest instead of your boards. Wanted to let you know. I’ll try the search function. Have a wonderful day. God bless! <3 Ashley
Thanks Ashley!
Happy New Year! I found your website following a recipe link from Attainable Sustainable. I am also a teacher and a mom trying to do the best for my family one day at a time. I am now a Grandmom and loving this stage very much. I still have lots to learn, and admire your self-reliance and graceful approach! I don’t usually sign up to follow bloggers as I have so little time. Yours is one I am looking forward to taking a little quiet time to read, however. God bless you and your family in this new year!
Happy New Year Jane! Thanks so much for following along.
Just found you while looking g for whole wheat biscuit recipe. So glad I did, am looking g forward to exploring more of your blog.