April was incredibly busy, but full of amazing cuteness. 😀
We started off the month with our spring break. I figured it was a good time to bring home our first batch of chicks for this year. The girls want to take bantams to the fair in August so they picked out four bantam chicks at the feed store.
This batch of chicks brought with them a lot of firsts for us. Our first bantams, our first brooder in the house, and our first time using a EcoGlow Brooder instead of a heat lamp. This was also our first time picking chicks that we didn’t know the sex or the breed. The only thing we were sure of was that they were CUTE!
I will miss the day when my youngest kiddo outgrows bringing me dandelion bouquets. 🙂
We bought 10 blueberry bushes. We weren’t ready for them, but they were too cheap to pass up. (I LOVE blueberries!)

We enjoyed some great weather during April.
The photo bombing dog strikes again…..
Our old mower was unable to be revived this spring so Digger and Jade brought home a new one. (well, new to us) It was great to find something local that we needed just in time that’s in great shape for a fair price! Little Chef was super excited to get a new mower; she does lots of the mowing.

Last years green onions starting to bloom. I thought they were beautiful.
We got the garden cleaned up which was no easy task considering we neglected it last fall and then digger tilled it, pretty or not. 🙂
We had a wonderful Easter celebrating our Lords resurrection with family, friends and great food!
The girls and I got to take a trip to Newport, Oregon with my mom and a few of my siblings. This was the view from our beach house!
We visited the aquarium and the science center while we where there too. What fun places! This was perfect for Jo as she’s doing a report at school on Orcas. 🙂
Little Chef LOVED the music room at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.
Jo’s cat Boots had four kittens in mid April. This one has been named Sky. Jo has been in kitty heaven!!
The super cute chicks at the beginning of this post grew quite a bit over the month and aren’t as cute any more. They have graduated from being in the house and have been moved to the shop. This is a picture of their first trip outside. They now spend a few hours outside in the little pen each day.
Happy May Day Everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

Wonderful photos, especially love your cute chicks! Thanks for sharing them on the HomeAcre Hop, hope to see you again tomorrow! – Nancy
The HomeAcre Hop