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13 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I love the potato the bin. However, I don’t know what pole in the middle of the bin is for and would like to know its purpose.
    Thanks, Patrice

    1. He put the pole in there so he could easily pick it up with his excavator and move it. It’s to big to move by hand. Thanks for visiting Patrice.

  2. Grace, I am SOOO impressed. This is great and I will enjoy seeing and reading all your posts from now on. You photography is very professional. You are obviously a “woman of many parts’ as the English used to say. (They may yet still, I can’t know. )

    I am interested in your sausage seasoning. I made one up years ago, but have not made it in so long, I have completely forgotten what I put in it except that I used ground turkey instead of beef. Since you no doubt know all about the origin of your meat, you don’t have to think about scary hamburger. But I haven’t eaten commercial hamburger in many years. We go a few miles down the road to a family for our eggs that are hours old. Some of them are green and if you look on my blog you will see a painting I did of some of them when we first started this practice. All the eggs are a different color and I found them amazingly beautiful and interesting. All shades of rusty brown and ivory and most amazing of all. . . green!

    Please post more photos of the kids! I can’t get my head around how the boys have become men. When I don’t see people for a long time, I tend to think they are frozen in suspension till I can return my attention to them. I think about you all often enough, but you are never a day older in my imagination. Sad to think what that implies about my imagination.

    Keep up this wonderful site. It’s a gem!
    Aunt Stella

  3. Hello. I just want to encourage you in your journey and tell you it makes me so happy I’ve found your blog! My husband and I are on the same journey that you are. We began homeschooling this fall (I quit my job as a hairdresser for 17 years to do this) and have also made a commitment to be more home-based and healthy. I actually went through a detox to get the toxins out that my body retained from the chemicals I was working with. We began by re-working all of our cleaning products and now we’re onto re-vamping our skin care and food. We’ve just filled our chest frezer with organic beef and ;pork and its nice to see what you’ve done with yours. I will continue to follow your progress and look forward to learning along with you!

    1. Hi Rachel, I’m glad you found my blog too! It sounds like you’re off to a GREAT start with your healthier life style. I am just getting started with making my own chemical free cleaners. It’s such a learning process and lots of trial and error! Thanks for following along and good luck on your journey. 🙂

  4. I am so delighted and grateful to find you. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes. Tried the muffin cup eggs and the oven bacon. Amazing!

    I am impressed with Little Chef also! What a gal!

    Praise the Lord for this way of connecting His people.


    1. Thanks Carol, I’m so glad you found us and are enjoying some of the recipes! She is a pretty special kid. 😉

  5. LOL! I am so happy I found your site! I was just cruising and looking for sausage seasoning. I laughed because we also live in a doublewide…..except ours is in northern British Columbia, Canada. You look to have awesome recipes and I will be visiting you regularly. Thanks so much for doing this…I don’t know how you find time!

  6. I also have a Lodge Dutch oven…how do you keep the inside white? I have been using 2 cups water to a Tablespoon of bleach and letting it sit covered overnight but then have to wash it again in the A.M.
    Found your website when looking for seasonings for pork sausage.

    1. Hi Barb, I have soaked mine overnight a couple times with just soapy water and it wipes out clean with a sponge in the morning. Most of the time it just washes out easily. Mine is still pretty new though. Glad you stopped by!

  7. Am so glad I refound your site; was looking for sausage seasoning and remembered yours. I don’t usually comment on sites, but you work along the same vein as I, except for the religious part (I am of the thought of treating others as one wants to be treated, which also includes the land and all living creatures.) I don’t like all the added stuff in processed food, and prefer to grow and harvest as much of my own as I am able.

  8. is this where you sign up for email ?? ihad to unsubscribe a while back and would like to join again but cant find on your site where to do that thanks for your help

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