Bacon, bacon, bacon, I love bacon!!
Oven roasted bacon is the best. The bacon cooks evenly and clean up is super easy. But the best part is you don’t have to stand over a sizzling pan while splatters of hot grease hit you in the face. 😀
All you need is a baking sheet lined with foil and BACON.
First place as much bacon as you can possibly fit onto the foil lined baking sheet….well maybe just as much as you need. But I put as much as I can fit…cause I can never have to much bacon!!
Then put the pan in a cold oven. Turn the oven on to 375 degrees and set the timer to 20 minutes.
Now, instead of getting whacked in the eye ball with hot grease you get to do something fun….like the dishes, or fold the laundry that has been building up on the couch. Okay, maybe not so fun, but better than hot grease in the eye….right?
When the timer goes off, your kitchen will smell wonderful and the bacon should be done. If you like yours a little crispier leave it in for a couple more minutes.

I have enjoyed my visit to your blog today. I’ll be back!
Thanks for stopping by Theresa!
I think what you have here is AWESOME!!! I can’t wait to look around when I have more time. I’m going to go try your trick with boiling farm fresh eggs. So far it’s been a nightmare. Just a little while ago (while trying to peel the 4 that I cooked today) I thought to myself maybe I should hold some of my eggs back; then I ended up here reading that very same thought~
I’m off to try it your way. Can’t wait! Thanks
Thanks so much Michelle! Good luck with the eggs…. 🙂
I just found your website while looking for the seasons used in sausage. And I love what you’re doing to encourage us to be fun, diligent, stewards in the kitchen! Thank you for humorously reminding me that IT IS while I’m living, that life happens! Please keep up the good work. And may God continue to bless you! In Christ’s love,
P.S. I cannot wait to try your bacon fried rice!
Thanks so much for the kind comment Doris! We just had bacon fried rice for dinner tonight….hope you like it as much as we do!
Blessings, Grace