June was a wonderful and busy month.
This last week of June has brought several HOT days and the garden has really taken off! (and with some late spring rains so have the weeds!) Needless to say I’ve spent a great deal of time over the past month in the garden. 😀
We have been getting quite a few raspberries. If the kids stop eating them we might even have enough for some jam!
The men of the house…..shooting skeet. 🙂
Dusty found this cute toad. He kept it in a 5 gallon bucket until the girls and I got home so they could see it, and I could take a picture. He then let it go in the garden, after naming him “Bruce the pirate toad”.
Jo’s cats Boots and Tiger…Boots has six toes on her front paws, but this is not what makes her special. Jo bought her the pink collar with her own allowance money. We tried to tell her the cat would lose that thing the first chance she got, but for all the world Boots seems to be proud of it. Often as not she is now referred to as “Prissy Missy”.
Stirring the compost pile. (How redneck!)
Jo loves to read and she loves animals….this is her reading a book while the chickens and kittens play. As you can tell by the hair, this was about three minutes after she rolled out of bed. She would live in the barn yard, if we let her. 😀
These are the potatoes we planted in our recycled potato bin. It’s amazing how much they grew in June!
More pics of the garden….(please ignore the weeds!)
In July I’m looking forward to more gardening, trips to the pool, baking, BBQ’s, and 4-H meetings.
Thanks for dropping by the Red Double Wide!

I love your pictures! Your garden looks great! Ours has taken off too because of all the rain! Now I just wish it’d stop and we get some sunny, warm days. I’m worried we’re getting too much rain. The picture of Jo reading with the animals is too cute! 🙂
Hi Mary! The one of Jo is my favorite too! Have a great fourth of July 🙂
Beautiful pictures! Visiting from The Homestead Barn Hop.
Thanks Erin, Glad you stopped by!
First of all, I love the name of your blog! 🙂 Your pictures are awesome!! I especially love the one of your daughter reading with the chickens, that just captures so much of what’s good about summertime in the country!! 🙂 Stopping by from the Clever Chicks bloghop! Have a great day!!
Thanks Amanda! So glad you stopped by. 🙂
Seeing your photos linked up at the Creative HomeAcre Hop was great! I feel like I have been on a visit! Thanks for joining us and we hope you’ll come and party creatively again on Sunday at http://mumtopia.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-creative-home-acre-hop-23.html
I wonder if you would perhaps like to write a guest post for Mumtopia. Please let me know – I’m sure my readers would benefit from what you have to say. For more information, please read the “Be My Guest” page at Mumtopia: http://mumtopia.blogspot.co.uk/p/write-for-mumtopia.html#.Uc3dNzvOZwQ
Love the photo of Jo reading with all the animals!
Me too! Thanks for dropping by Gretchen!
Love the pictures! The cat one is my favorite. Go figure. 😉