Happy last day of November everyone. 🙂 The count down to Christmas is on, so I promised the girls we could get the Christmas decorations out this weekend (this time of year always sneaks up on me!)
I don’t have many outdoor pictures for November. It’s been down in the twenties most days leaving me less than thrilled to spend much time outside.
This is Diggers supply of fire wood for his shop. It is slowly getting moved into the barn…very slowly….. Apparently the teenager in the house doesn’t want to be outside either.
He would much rather be working on a skateboard in the warm shop.
The ladies checking out their clean nesting boxes. They are such curious critters.
If you follow my Facebook page, then you already know I finally cooked one of our home grown chickens! It was delicious!
My little chef helped out in the kitchen getting ready for Thanksgiving. She made these beautiful dinner rolls….they were melt in your mouth good! We will be making these over and over and will definitely share the recipe soon.
Yes, it was totally me that stole the roll out of the center of the pan. It was a little less than perfect and needed to go……into my belly. 😉
I shared in my post about my contributions to Thanksgiving dinner that I had never made pumpkin pie before. This is Jo helping make our first pumpkin pies EVER. I got a few helpful emails from readers and Diggers Aunt. After taking all the great advice into account, they turned out super yummy. My only complaint is the crust was a little tough. Pretty sure I know what to do differently next time. 🙂
Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are having fun preparing for Christmas. Thanks for visiting the red double wide!