I can’t say that spring has arrived, but I can see signs that it’s just around the corner!! Here are 6 Signs of Spring that I’ve seen so far:
1) Cranky Girls
Yep this is my #1 sign that spring is coming. Well maybe it’s just my hopeful thinking that the reason the 8 year old, the 10 year old, and the mom that live in this house are at each others throats because WE NEED SOME OUTSIDE TIME!!!!!!! The winter has to end soooooon RIGHT??
Okay, it’s really not that bad, but cabin fever has taken its toll.
2) Robins
Yes, my little chef looked out the window yesterday and there where several robins perched in the tree outside our window. A sure sign that things are warming up a little.
3) Garden Clean up
We have recently had a couple of days that where just warm enough for us to bundle up and head to the garden for some clean up. It felt really good to play in the dirt again.
As you can see the chickens enjoyed playing in the dirt too…well,.. they enjoyed all the worms.
4) Wind
In our neck of the woods, spring equals wind, or maybe that’s, wind equals spring?? I’m not talking about a little breeze, I’m talken about, batten down the hatches, hold your hat on, and don’t even think about taking an umbrella outside (even if it’s pouring rain) unless you want to Mary Poppins into the next county, kinda wind! So I’m not necessarily glad to see the wind, but I am happy to see the signs of spring that come with it.
5) Longer Days and Happy Chickens
The days are now getting noticeably longer! I even had to change the timer for the light in the chicken coop the other day. Chickens need at least 14 hours of light to keep laying eggs in the winter, the longer the days get the less artificial light they need. Longer, warmer days make for happy chickens.
6) Sun Bathing Cats
I love all the very distinct seasons that God has given us here in the Gorge. But I have to say that Spring is my favorite and these little signs of spring have made me so thankful and excited for what lies ahead.