Sunday night is popcorn night at our house! When we started our journey to a more frugal and healthier life style, microwave popcorn was one of the first things to go. I’d bought an air popper a while back (in a moment of nostalgia) but barely used it. My husband didn’t like the air popper popcorn, and I had to agree. For some reason it seemed soggy and wanted to melt between your teeth instead of having that nice crunch. I thought we were stuck with soggy popcorn because I refused to buy the bags of chemicals again. Then a friend told me that you can put popcorn in a paper bag and microwave it. How brilliant!
This is sooooo much cheaper and healthier than store bought microwave popcorn, it has that wonderful crunch and you can control the amount of butter and salt it has on it. I’m ditching my air popper, and freeing up some space in my cupboard!
All you need is a paper bag, 1/4 of a cup of popcorn kernels, butter, and salt or what ever seasonings you like.
Put 1/4 of a cup of popcorn kernels into a paper bag and fold down the top. Place the bag right side up in a microwave for ABOUT 2 minutes. I set the timer for 2 1/2 minutes and listen closely. When the popping slows down to 3 to 4 seconds between pops I stop the microwave. Microwaves are different so times will vary. Pour your popped corn into a bowl and season (we like Parmesan cheese on ours). You can use the same bag to pop more than one batch if you want more popcorn. So simple, yummy, healthy, and cheap. 😀
Happy Popcorn Night!

What a good idea! Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for stopping by Kim!
They sell a BPA free plastic microwave popper at Target where you put 2 tbsps of popcorn in for 2 minutes and get a bowl of popcorn. You can do it with or without oil. If you like to have popcorn lots, it might be worth the $10 investment to not have to go through all those paper bags 🙂 I have started making mine on the stove and I am addicted but hope to go back to the microwave soon so there is less clean up!!!
I’ve never heard of those, thanks for the tip!
What a great idea. I will have to try this. We make it on the store all the time, but the clean up is a pain.
Who would’ve thought? Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Come back and see us this week: