Winter has arrived!! So we decided to start working on our “winter wall”. To see pictures of our “fall wall” click here. Of course the first thing to go on a “winter wall” should be snowflakes…right? We got out the coffee filters and started cutting.
Coffee filters make great snowflakes they are round and easy to cut through, not to mention cheap. The girls came up with some great designs. But then we ran into a problem….we had beautiful white snowflakes and a very white wall to hang them on. Instead of launching a full on, home improvement project of repainting our classroom/playroom we decided to bust out the water colors and make some colorful snowflakes to hang on our white wall. I think they turned out beautiful!!
I then decided we should look at some “REAL” snowflakes. We found several websites that have up close pictures of snowflakes….WOW! They are absolutely gorgeous, every unique one of them. I then found this amazing article “Snowflake Bentley: Man of Science, Man of God” by Jerry Bergman Ph.D. on the “Institute for Christian Research” website. I shared this article with my girls and we attempted to make six sided snowflakes (like the real ones.) This was harder than it sounds…..eventually we managed to get a few decent looking six sided snowflakes. 🙂
I love that this simple art project turned into a science, history and bible lesson. It taught all three of us new things, and made us even more grateful and aware of another one of God’s magnificent creations.
Here are a few pictures of what we like to do with an over abundance of beautiful ice crystals.
My personal favorite, building a snow fort!!
Happy Winter Everyone