Wow…October just flew by!! The weather cooled off quite a bit throughout October but we still had MANY nice days that were greatly enjoyed and appreciated!

Wow…October just flew by!! The weather cooled off quite a bit throughout October but we still had MANY nice days that were greatly enjoyed and appreciated!
Happy Fall Everyone!
The last days of summer went out with unusually hot temperatures, and the first days of fall came in very wet (for around here anyway). September brought lots of changes with me going back to teaching at our local Christian School, and the girls going back to school there. My poor garden has been severely neglected, (it’s more like a jungle than a garden) but as you can see we are still harvesting the benefits of our early summer work.
Saturday has become my, baking/laundry/blogging/gardening/chicken coop cleaning day! I am trying to learn how to plan meals ahead of time and get as much done on the weekends as i can. I want to keep cooking real food from scratch as much as possible with this new schedule. This is a big challenge for me, as my organization skills are MINIMAL! (just ask my husband) Good thing my girls are big enough to help and the men in the house are patient. 😀
I have learned that gardening is all about NEXT year. So many things I want to change and do better next spring. I guess that’s part of the excitement of a garden. 🙂
This past month I posted about butchering our Cornish Cross chickens and then I wrote a story about Stinky going to the fair. After that post I had several people express concern about Stinky someday ending up in the cook pot. I want to assure everyone that Stinky will live out her free range life here at the Red Double Wide with no fear of ending up in the cook pot! 😀
Thanks for visiting and have a good week!
WOW! August is over already?!?!
Hope you enjoy some of my photos from August.
We ended the month of August with the county fair.
September will be bringing many changes. I have decided after much thought and prayer to go back to teaching at our local Christian School and the girls will also be attending there. This means lots less time at home. I am hopeful that I can keep up with cooking from scratch, gardening, and my blog!
Thanks for stopping by the Red Double Wide!! Hope you are all getting to enjoy this harvest season. 😀
July was a month of bbq’s with great friends, many 4-H meetings, baby chicks, HOT weather, gardening, and allergies! Despite the sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes it was a wonderful, busy month.
We started off the month by celebrating the 4th of July with a family trip to the beautiful San Juan Islands. It was a great trip and so wonderful to see family that we hadn’t seen for a while. Visiting the beach was also wonderful!
Two days after we got home from our little vacation our meat chicks arrived!
They are the girls 4-H projects. To read more about our meat chickens click here.
We have an AWESOME group of people from our church that came out and joined us for a taco feed and go-kart party. Our go-cart track goes through our hay field and it’s about three-fourths of a mile long. As you can see from the picture this is not a clean sport! Everyone was sooooooo dirty but it was a blast!
Hope all of you had a great July! In August I’m looking forward to our county fair and preserving the harvest from my garden.
Another month gone by! Here are some of my favorite photos from May.
The potatoes are growing that we planted in the recycled potato bin!
This is Stinky she is guarding Diggers truck and trailer. To read Stinky and Diggers story click here.
May was a good month, the first couple weeks were warm and beautiful. They involved LOTS of mowing and weed control. The last couple weeks were cooler and wet, we found ourselves indoors quite a bit. Everything is nice and green now and I’m looking forward to a nice warm June!
I’ve gone a little crazy with my camera lately, so I thought I would share (some of ) my favorite photos from the past month. Spring time is so beautiful and FUN!
Don’t let these pictures deceive you! We have had some beautiful days in April, but we also had our share of wind, rain, hail, and more wind! We haven’t yet planted anything in the garden (it’s still getting really cold some nights) but my seed order should be here tomorrow and Digger is working on getting the fence up around the garden. No use planting until the chickens are fenced out!
Happy Spring Everyone!!
For several weeks we have been under a THICK blanket of freezing fog with temperatures hovering around 20 degrees. Ordinarily we have a beautiful view from our living room windows, but I’ve been considering it a good day if I can look out and see my car parked in the driveway! In the last three weeks we have had two days that the sun has shone and illuminated our winter wonder land!! The freezing weather and fog left behind “hoar frost” that is absolutely beautiful when the sun shines on it!!
Isn’t it wonderful how God can use some not so pleasant weather conditions to produce something so beautiful!!
Told you we (usually) have a nice view!
This is not snow, it’s all frost! Some of the branches got so heavy they broke.
It is amazing how we take so many things for granted until they’re gone… sunshine, blue skies, and a view!! Today I am very thankful for all these things. (including the beautiful frost!)
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” – Fredrick Koeing
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